Professional on Food and Food Education
Nordic Food and Nordic Diet
Content provider, Consulting
Food courses, Exports
Speciality combining food with drinks, non-alcholic and alcholic
Master of Education; majoring Home Economics,
Teacher training and Adult Education
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Business
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English and German

Eating together is one of my favourites
Since I was a little kid we ate together. My parents had many friends and there it always was - eating together. Today we eat together with my family as often as possible. When meeting friends we might cook together or just eat, enjoy and talk.
This is my major point I want to share. It does not matter what the topic is, eating together is there. It is there when talking about Nordic Diet, having lunch, talking about difficult subjects, business meetings etc. We all need to eat - I help you to enjoy it.
Nordic Food and Nordic Diet
Finland is announced to be the world´s happiest country several times by the UN Happiness Report. Why?
There are few factors that are significant: beautiful landscape and nature, pure food, chilled out way of life, low crime levels, high standard living, superb education system and free health-care for everybody.
And of course free warm school-lunch for all the pupils. We have done this already over 70 years. This is so great thing!
These factors give a good chance to export Finland and Nordic Diet.